Public Notices

Public Notice

Yesterday evening, Wednesday, July 17, 2024 The SWSS experienced a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) event occur as a result of the isolated heavy rainfall in the area. The SSO was located on Celeste Road between Camelot Dr and Lafeyette Dr, with a reported 1,000 to 10,000 gallons spilling into Bayou Sara.

Public Notice

The Saraland Water and Sewer Service Utility Receives $25,000 Grant from The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs

Saraland, AL, July 18, 2024 – The Saraland Water and Sewer Board is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a $25,000 State Energy Program Grant through the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA). This generous grant will fund the installation of energy-efficient LED lights at the Saraland Wastewater Treatment Facility and supporting Lift Stations, a project that will significantly reduce energy consumption and operational costs.

The grant, part of ADECA’s ongoing efforts to promote energy efficiency and sustainability across the state, will enable the Saraland Water and Sewer System Team to replace outdated lighting systems with modern LED technology. This upgrade is expected to provide numerous benefits, including:

  • Energy Savings: LED lights consume up to 75% less energy than traditional lighting, leading to substantial reductions in electricity usage and costs.
  • Extended Lifespan: LEDs have a longer operational life compared to conventional bulbs, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.
  • Improved Safety and Visibility: Enhanced lighting at the Wastewater Treatment Facility and Lift Stations will improve safety and security conditions for workers and contribute to more efficient operations.
  • Environmental Impact: The switch to LED lighting supports environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint of the facility.

“We are thrilled to receive this grant from ADECA,” said Jim Davis, Chairman of the Saraland Water and Sewer Board. “This funding will help us enhance the efficiency and sustainability of our operations, benefiting both our community and the environment. We are committed to implementing energy-saving measures and this project is a significant step towards achieving these goals.”

The Saraland Water and Sewer Board extends its gratitude to ADECA for its support and dedication to promoting energy efficiency in Alabama. The installation of LED lights is slated to begin in the coming months, with completion expected by the end of the year

Public Notice

The Saraland Water and Sewer Service (“SWSS”) experienced severe weather on July 5, 2024 that included rainfall in excess of 5” over a three hour period, resulting in a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (“SSO”) of  between 50,000-75,000 gallons from a manhole located on the southwest side of Celeste Road between Camelot Dr. and Lafayette Dr.

The SWSS experienced a second significant weather event on July 7, 2024 involving a lightning strike, resulting in a pump controller malfunction and loss of power causing an SSO overflow of less than 1,000 gallons at the east of Highway 43 and south of Bayou Sara Ave.

The SWSS team is constantly investing in projects to improve our water & wastewater services in an effort to reduce and eliminate service disruptions to our clients. Projects include expansion of our Celeste Road sewer infrastructure, sewer plant expansion, increased drinking water quality, and improved management systems.

Public Notice

June 10, 2024

The Saraland Water & Sewer Service (“SWSS”) has received recent client inquiries regarding a $5 out of district fee (“Fee”) that has been added to their monthly water bills from the Turnerville Water and Kushla Water Districts. SWSS provides sewer collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal services to communities that are outside of the SWSS water district boundaries, specifically the water districts serviced by the Turnerville Water and Kushla Water Districts. As a result, some residents of Turnerville and Kushla receive water services from their respective water providers but receive sewer related services from SWSS. These SWSS “out of district” customers are billed by their respective water providers for water usage and also collect sewer related fees for SWSS.  

The Fee on the SWSS customers’ bills are “out of district” in an effort to recover costs to SWSS in servicing customers outside of the SWSS’s water district. The costs covered in this fee include, but are not limited to, (i) the SWSS’s recoupment of charges paid to Turnerville Water  and Kushla Water District for the billing of SWSS’s sewer services, (ii) the costs of laying additional pipelines to service out of district customers, (iii) maintenance and professional support service costs for providing services to those outside of SWSS’s district, and (iv) additional administrative costs incurred by SWSS in providing sewer services to customers outside of their district.

If you have any questions regarding the Fee, please contact the SWSS office at 251-675-5126. The SWSS Board of Directors meet bi-monthly on the first and third Thursday of each month at 233 Shelton Beach Road, Saraland, Alabama 36571.

Public Notice

May 28, 2024

Saraland Water and Sewer Customers,

The Saraland Water and Sewer team is currently addressing an emergency repair of its water line in the Forest Avenue area. Water service may be disrupted this evening (May 28, 2024).  

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your patience and understanding during this  emergency repair to our water system. We understand that the disruption may be inconvenient, and we truly appreciate your cooperation as our team works diligently to resolve the issue as quickly and safely as possible.

Saraland Water and Sewer System

Public Notice

February 1, 2024

Public Notice: Consumer Confidence Report for Water Quality

Dear Saraland Water and Sewer Customers,

In accordance with federal regulations, we are pleased to remind our customers about the annual Consumer Confidence Report (“CCR”) on the quality of water supplied by the Saraland Water and Sewer Service. This report contains important information about the source of your drinking water, any contaminants detected, and their levels within established standards and is published in the summer each year.

The CCR, dated as of June 2023, is available for your review on our official website at or can be obtained in person at Saraland Water and Sewer Service office located at 307 Shelton Beach Road, Saraland, AL 36571. We encourage all residents to familiarize themselves with the contents of the report, as it outlines the Saraland Water and Sewer Service’s commitment to deliver safe and high-quality drinking water.

The Saraland Water and Sewer Service Board and staff are dedicated to transparency, accountability, and the well-being of our residents. Your trust in our commitment to delivering safe and reliable drinking water is of utmost importance to us.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and trust in the Saraland Water and Sewer Service.

Public Notice
September 25, 2022

HMGP 4673 Hurricane Zeta generators Flood Notice

Public Notice
February 4, 2021


Recently there have been several issues with the northwestern lift stations. Lift stations are those facilities where the pumps are located that pump sewage from your area of Saraland to the wastewater treatment plant located on Highway 43 in town.  In the northwestern section of Saraland, particularly the Celeste Road area, it was discovered that “flushable wipes”, disposable diapers and rags were to blame for stoppages.  These items do not break down in the system.  They get bundled together and look like rope mop head.  They ultimately plug the pumps and cause them to go down.  This results in costly emergency repairs for the system and ultimately the users of the system.  If a lift station goes out, it could also cause sewer backups.



Public Notice
November 1, 2019

Saraland Water and Sewer Service will begin the water flushing program in November 2019 and will continue for four months. We perform this preventative maintenance program to ensure quality water service throughout our distribution system.

During this time, you may experience lower water pressure than normal. If you have any water concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 251-675-5126.

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience the flushing program may cause.

Sincerely, Chad Hennis
Utilities Director
Saraland Water and Sewer Service

Public Notice
March 14, 2019
Wastewater Lift Station Generators
Saraland Water and Sewer Service

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) intends to provide federal financial assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program to the Saraland Water and Sewer Service to install generators at two of its wastewater lift stations (proposed action). Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management) and FEMA’s implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 9, FEMA and the Saraland Water and Sewer Service hereby provides interested parties with a notice of its final decision and an explanation of the alternatives that were considered.

There are no existing lift station generators at this location The purpose of the proposed action is to install generators adjacent to the lift station pump housing to provide uninterrupted power during outages. The project areas are depicted on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Numbers 01097C0429, effective date March 17, 2010. The FIRM show that the project area for the Deer Run Lift Station lies within Zone A, an area that has a 1‐percent probability of flooding every year and where predicted flood water elevations have not been established. The Forrest Avenue Lift Station is located in a Zone X (shaded) which means areas of moderate flood hazard, usually the area between the limits of the 100‐year and 500‐year floods.

The proposed action consists of installing the generators on a concrete slab adjacent to the existing lift station. This action conforms to the City of Saraland Floodplain Protection Ordinance. There is no mitigation to be achieved. Maps of the project areas and their locations within the floodplain are available for public inspection. All parties interested in receiving a copy of the map should contact Chad Hennis, Utilities Superintendent (251) 675‐5126 or can inspect the maps at 307 Shelton Beach Road, Saraland, Alabama 36571.

The alternative to completing the project is taking no action. Under the no action alternative, the lift stations and wastewater conveyance system would remain incapable of handling increased flows from storm‐related inflow and infiltration and would remain vulnerable to service disruption in the event of a power outage. The Saraland Water and Sewer Board has determined that the proposed project is the only feasible alternative available; thus, the proposed action must occur in a floodplain. The proposed action would not adversely affect the floodplain and is necessary to preserve life and property. The Saraland Water and Sewer Board is responsible for implementing and monitoring the proposed action and ensuring it conforms to federal floodplain standards.

Additional information about FEMA’s proposed action should contact Chad Hennis, Utilities Superintendent (251) 675‐5126 or emailing or in writing at 307 Shelton Beach Road, Saraland, Alabama 36571 requests must be received no later than 15 days after publication of this notice. No action will be taken before this time.

Public Notice
February 12, 2019
Wastewater Lift Station Generators
Saraland Water and Sewer Service

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) intends to provide federal financial assistance under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program to the Saraland Water and Sewer Service to install generators at two of its wastewater lift stations (proposed action). Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management) and FEMA’s implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 9, FEMA and the Saraland Water and Sewer Service hereby provides interested parties with a notice of its final decision and an explanation of the alternatives that were considered.

There are no existing lift station generators at this location The purpose of the proposed action is to install generators adjacent to the lift station pump housing to provide uninterrupted power during outages. The project areas are depicted on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Numbers 01097C0429, effective date March 17, 2010. The FIRM show that the project area for the Deer Run Lift Station lies within Zone A, an area that has a 1‐percent probability of flooding every year and where predicted flood water elevations have not been established. The Forrest Avenue Lift Station is located in a Zone X. The proposed action consists of installing the generators on a concrete slab adjacent to the existing lift station. This action conforms to the City of Saraland Floodplain Protection Ordinance. The project will be mitigated by installing the generator on Deer Run at least 2 feet above the base flood elevation. Further, this project will provide uninterrupted power to a critical facility. Maps of the project areas and their locations within the floodplain are available for public inspection. All parties interested in receiving a copy of the map should contact Nicole Robinson, Office Administrator at (251) 675‐5126 or can inspect the maps at 307 Shelton Beach Road, Saraland, Alabama 36571.

The alternative to completing the project is taking no action. Under the no action alternative, the lift stations and wastewater conveyance system would remain incapable of handling increased flows from storm‐related inflow and infiltration and would remain vulnerable to service disruption in the event of a power outage. The Saraland Water and Sewer Board has determined that the proposed project is the only feasible alternative available; thus, the proposed action must occur in a floodplain. The proposed action would not adversely affect the floodplain and is necessary to preserve life and property. The Saraland Water and Sewer Board is responsible for implementing and monitoring the proposed action and ensuring it conforms to federal floodplain standards.

Additional information about FEMA’s proposed action should contact Nicole Robinson, Office Administrator at (251) 675‐5126 or emailing or in writing at 307 Shelton Beach Road, Saraland, Alabama 36571 requests must be received no later than 15 days after publication of this notice. No action will be taken before this time.

(published on the City of Saraland’s website) on February 12, 2019

No comments received the last time a similar notice was published.


After the first of the year, Saraland Sewer Department will be Smoke Testing in the following areas: Bethel Forest, Lucille, Autumnwood Drive and surrounding area.

For the next few months, Saraland Water and Sewer System crews will conduct smoke testing studies within your neighborhood as part of an on-going program to detect breaks and defects within the sanitary sewer collection system. Information gained from this study will be used to repair and improve the wastewater collection system.

Smoke testing is a relatively simple process that involves blowing smoke mixed with large volumes of air into the sanitary sewer line, usually through a manhole. The smoke travels the path of least resistance and quickly shows up where breaks and defects exist. Smoke will identify broken manholes, prohibited connections (such as roof drains, sump pumps and yard drains), uncapped lines and cracked mains/laterals. At no time will field crews have to enter your business or residence.

During this testing, gray smoke will exit through vent pipes on the roofs of homes and through the ground/location of sewer line breaks. The smoke that is being used is made specifically for this type application and is therefore, non-toxic, leaves no residue, and creates no fire hazard.

The smoke generated to conduct the tests should not enter your home unless defective plumbing exists or drain traps are dry. Dry drain taps usually exist because of fixtures that are not used routinely, such as spare bathrooms or washing machine drain pans; therefore, if you have seldom-used drains, please run water for a minute or two in all your fixtures to ensure all drain traps are full of water. This procedure will help prevent the possibility of smoke entering your living areas through those drains. Please note that if smoke enters your home, then the potential also exists for dangerous sewer gases to enter your home. Although this is a rare occurrence, we recommend you consult a licensed plumber if smoke enters your home. If smoke enters your home, you should report it immediately to the crews conducting the test in your neighborhood or call the number below. Opening of doors and windows should quickly dissipate any smoke.

We request that you notify any handicapped or shut-in persons in your neighborhood of the smoke testing. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Should you have any additional questions concerning the smoke testing or if you desire special assistance, please phone 251-675-5126.